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Greater Pittston Stoners Youth Soccer

League Rules

U5 & U6   First and foremost, the goal for players at this age is to have fun and learn the game of Soccer! ALL Children play at least  HALF of the game.

U5 & U6


I.  BALL SIZE: Three (3) ball


U-5(under five) may roster a maximum of 6 players for a 3v3 game, 

             - no goalkeepers or sweepers.
 U-6 (under six) may roster a maximum of 8 players for a 4v4 game, 

             - no goal keepers or sweepers.

Substitutions of players may only be made at the end of each period.


  1. Four, 6 minute quarters (twenty-four minutes)
  2. The time between each quarter is two minutes and the time between halves is five minutes.

IV. The Field

  1. Flat, grassy field; its length no more than 40 yards nor less than 30 yards and its width not more than 30 yards nor less than 20 yards. A six yard penalty area will be marked off in front of the goal. Players can only enter the box if actively attempting to score a goal or defending the individual who is in possession of the ball. After playing the ball all players must exit the box.


  1.  Officials/Parent Volunteer/ Coach or league designee- Your job is to keep the playing environment FUN, SAFE and focused on the child.
  2.  In addition you need to keep time, enforce the rules, stop and restart the game. When you stop the game because of a foul, ball out of play, goal or another reason, take the time to explain to the players why! This is their first experience with soccer, too, and the BEST time to educate all on the Laws of the Game.
  3. Kickoff- is done at the halfway line and possession should alternate every period.  During play, after a team scores a goal, the opposing team follows with a kickoff.
  4. Throw-Ins:  When the ball goes out of bounds along either sideline, it is returned into play using a throw-in.  If a player on Team A kicks the ball out of bounds, a player on Team B will throw the ball in.  During a throw-in, feet should be behind the line, both hands must be on the ball, and it must be thrown from above and behind the head and onto the playing field.  Feet must remain on the ground during the throw.  *Do not expect perfect throw-ins…at this level, we’re just trying to familiarize the kids with the game.
  5. Goal Kicks:  If the team attempting to score a goal kicks the ball over the goal line outside of the goal posts, the opposing team puts the ball back into play with a goal kick.  The kick should be taken within 2-3 yards of the goal and opposing players should be at least 5 yards away.
  6. Offside - Offside is not used in the U6 games.
  7. Fouls and Misconduct-Fouls can and will occur even at this level. All fouls shall result in an indirect free kick with opponents at least 5 yards away. Soccer is a contact sport and each action is dealt with at the time it occurs. Explain the foul in simple terms, restart and let the game continue.
  8. No defensive player should be positioned inside of the goal area as a permanent position (No Goalie).

U7 and U8 Intramural

  • Ball Size: 3
  • Players:
  • 5v5 (4 field players and goal keeper). Max Roster Size 10. Minimum of 4 players to start the game.
  • Substitutions of players may only be made at the end of each period. No substitutions are permitted once a quarter has begun unless to replace an injured player.
  • Length of the Game:
  • Four 10 Minute quarters with a 2 minute break between quarters and up to a 5-minute break at halftime
  • The Field:
  • Field Size (in yards): 40-50 yards x 25-35 yards
  • Goal Size (in feet): Up to 6’ x 12’
  • Build out line at 15 Yards from goal
  • Rules:
  • Start of the Game, Corner Kicks and Free Kicks: All opposing players must remain 10 feet away from the ball when a kick is taken. All kicks are indirect. There is no head balls. There is no slide tackling. NO PENALTY KICKS
  • Throw-ins: If a player incorrectly performs a throw-in on the first throw, he/she should be instructed by the coach and /or referee as to the proper manner of throwing the ball in and be given a second chance to complete the throw-in. After the second try the ball will be given to the other team.
  • Build Out Line (Blue Line):
  • The build out line promotes playing the ball out of the back in a less pressured setting
  • When the goalkeeper has the ball in his or her hands during play from the opponent, the opposing team must move behind the build out line until the ball is put into play. Once the opposing team is behind the build out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play (punts and drop kicks are not allowed) After the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper, the opposing team can cross the build out line and play resumes as normal. The opposing team must also move behind the build out line during a goal kick until the ball is put into play
  • If a goalkeeper punts or drop kicks the ball, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense
  • If the punt or drop kick occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred
  • Offside with the Build out Line
  • The build out line will also be used to denote where offside offenses can be called
  • Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and the build out line
  • Players can be penalized for an offside offense between the build out line and goal line
  • Build Out Line Practical Applications
  • To support the intent of the development rule, coaches and referees should be mindful of any intentional delays being caused by opponents not retreating in a timely manner or encroaching over the build out line prior to the ball being put into play
  • Coaches are responsible for addressing these types of issues with their players
  • Referees can manage the situation with misconduct if deemed appropriate
  • Referees should be flexible when enforcing the 6 second rule and counting the time of possession should only begin when all opponents have moved behind the build out line

ALL Parents must remain on the spectator side of the field. ONLY players and coaches are to be on the player’s bench side of the field. Remember games are to be used as a teaching experience.

U9 and Above


    1. All other  teams from levels U7 thru U18 will play within the Northeast Freedom Recreation Soccer League and will comply with rules as indicated.    NEFYSL Rules and Regulations    



Greater Pittston Stoners Youth Soccer

Greater Pittston Stoners YSA, PO Box 285
Pittston, Pennsylvania 18640
Email : [email protected]
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